
Love like winter

❝ I bowed to you once —now it is YOU who will bow to ME!An independent, semi - selective, muti - verse, multi - ship and canon divergent
  Jill Warrick of Final Fantasy XVI 

template by poohsources


1.     As I'm in my 30's, I will not be writing with anyone under the age of 21. This is nothing personal, it is simply because there may be times that mature themes and content appear on this blog. If I find you have not been honest about your age, I will be blocking you.2.     I'm not follow for follow, and I am mutually exclusive. If I don't follow back please don't take it personally, there are a number of reasons why I don't follow certain blogs back and I can assure you it has nothing to do with your writing, I'm just trying to curate my dash to be a nice place for myself.3.   NO DRAMA. I've come from RPC's that have been nothing but constant drama and I just don't have the mental fortitude to deal with it. I don't care who you have personal beef with, that is between you and them, not me. And if someone is an actual danger to the community at large then I would advise you to seek help from the proper authorities. That being said, I have been on tumblr since 2011, I have no doubt you've heard things about me, none of us are perfect. If you want to talk to me about it my DM's are open, if not, simply block me and move on.

04.     I enjoy shipping a whole lot, but I also require time to build to anything romantic, chemistry is the life blood of any good relationship as is communicating with me. Basically, come plot stuff with me and we'll work it out, if not, friendships are just as important as romantic relationships and I love for my muses to have friends!05.     Please reblog from the source where possible, and also turn asks into threads!! I always put any asks I receive into a new thread, which you're always welcome to reblog and turn into more if you're vibing with it.06.     I don't really write smut, and even when I do it has to be with a mun I am friendly and comfortable with. In cases where I'm not feeling it (it will be communicated) such scenarios will be a fade to black.


Not much is known about Jill's early years, but what is known is that she was born in the Northern Territories. When the Mothercrystal of the Northern Territories fell, and Blight took over, the armies of the Territories began to bear down on neighboring Rosaria. However, under the command of Archduke Elwin Rosfield, Rosaria was able to fend off the invasion. As part of the peace agreement, young Jill was to be given to Elwin as a ward, she was six years old when she first arrived in Rosalith, and soon became fast friends with both Clive and Joshua, much to Annabella's chargrin.Despite being a ward for Rosaria, Jill was treated with kindness by Elwin and Rosarian people, and she grew up with Elwin's two sons, Clive and Joshua. The three became close, with Jill viewing the two boys like her brothers. The three of them also had a wolf pup named Torgal, whom Elwin had found alone in the northern territories. Jill grew up to love Rosaria as her home, even though Elwin's wife, duchess Anabella, saw Jill a little more than a savage. To that end, Jill held a degree of fear towards the duchess.When the Iron Kingdom began to move against Rosaria, Elwin took Clive and Joshua to the castle of Phoenix Gate to prepare for what was to come. Little did Jill know that this event would lead her to be separated from Clive and Joshua for many years. A disaster struck at the castle, leaving Elwin dead, Clive to be enslaved by the Holy Empire of Sanbreque and Joshua believed dead. Shortly after this, Rosaria was invaded by the Iron Kingdom, and they took Jill. Jill's powers as the Dominant of Shiva emerged and she was turned into abominable weapon for the Iron Kingdom. Forced into to doing their bidding with a threat of killing other people the Ironblood had enslaved, Jill had little choice. While the Iron Kingdom viewed Dominants as abominations, they nevertheless did not hesitate in turning Jill into a weapon. Her Dominant status was also the only reason why Imreann did not use her as a concubine upon capture.For thirteen years, Jill believed that everyone and everything she had known and loved died on that fateful night at Phoenix Gate. During this time, she was subjected to brutal treatment, constant priming and the threat of children being murdered in order to ensure she always complied.

Thirteen years after the fall of Rosaria into the Empire, the Iron Kingdom engaged the Dhalmekian Republic, where Jill fought against Hugo Kupka, the Dominant of Titan. The battle turned against the Iron Kingdom, and Jill was withdrawn from the battlefield. Meanwhile, Clive, along with a group of Branded soldiers from the Empire, were given a mission to eliminate the Dominant of Shiva. They eventually found Jill, and attacked her. Jill was forced into fighting against Clive. It was only after when Clive defeated her, when he saw he had been fighting his long lost childhood friend. Clive refused to deliver the killing blow and turned against his comrades and the Empire. Clive defeated his former comrades, but was soon ambushed by the Ironblood. He would've been overwhelmed without the timely arrival of Cidolfus "Cid" Telamon. He offered to take Clive and Jill to safety, where Jill can be nursed back to health.The healer of Cid's hideaway, Tarja, nursed Jill back to health. When Tarja told her that it was Clive who saved her, she wanted to see him. Seeing Clive again brought Jill a new sense of hope, as her dear childhood friend she thought had died, was alive. The two told what happened to them after the disaster at Phoenix Gate. They decided to return to Rosaria and find out what really took place at the castle.With Jill now free of the Iron Kingdom and back in the familiar company of Clive and Torgal, Cid informs the pair of his mission to destroy all of the Mothercrystals in Valisthea and thus rid the world of magic once and for all, so that Bearers, Dominants, and those not born with the gift of magic can learn to stand on their own two feet and see that the land is not further devoured by the Blight. After all she has seen and bore witness to, Jill decides to join Cid, though Clive is initially reluctant due to his own pressing need to fina the Dominant who murdered his brother, he eventually relents, and the two begin their quest to liberate Valisthea...Mun note: To save writing out a whole essay, Jill's history from this point on follows the games canon events, unless writing in an AU where characters that have died are now alive.


MAIN VERSEThis verse follows the events of Final Fantasy XVI following Jill's reunion with Clive after her battle with Titan. Unless stated otherwise, Jill is still in possession of Shiva and any references that are made regarding Clive will be about valistheanshield's Clive (Unless, of course, I am writing an AU in which Jill is not romantically involved with Clive). Also on the table is writing Jill during her time as a child in Rosalith, should a muse connected to that period which to explore it further.POST GAMEThis verse is aiming to explore events that take place after Ultima's defeat, the Fall of Origin and of course, life without magic. Like with any verse connected to Final Fantasy XVI, if Clive is mentioned it will be regarding valistheanshield's Clive, and of course AU elements are welcomed when it comes to characters that die during canon events of the game that survive due to the writer of said muses personal headcanons.

MODERN AUThis verse is set in modern times and does not always pertain to the story events of Final Fantasy XVI. If it does not follow the events in a more modern setting, then Jill is not a Dominant and is a member of an affluent family (it can be discussed whether she ends up living with the Rosfield's from an early age) and is working towards bettering the lives of children in the city in which she lives (again, locations can be discussed). This is perfect for slice of life, or just a change up from swords and sorcery!ANOTHER FANTASYA blanket verse to fit Jill into other Final Fantasy titles. I have played them all and I'm more than happy to slot Jill into whichever numbered Final Fantasy game your muse comes from. Simply drop me a DM and we'll release the plot bunnies!Mun note: More verses will be added, so please be sure to check back! If you don't see something, or are from another fandom entirely, feel free to drop me a message. Chances are I'm interested and I haven't had the opportunity to come up with something just yet!